Beep Beep Lincoln Trail PCA Members!
Welcome to 2017 and my first post as president of Lincoln Trail Region PCA newsletter/blog. Many of us have stored our Porsche vehicles away for the winter. However, I'm sure you're ready to slide into the driver's seat at the first opportunity available, because as we all know, Porsches are meant to be driven.
As newly-elected President, please join me in thanking our immediate Past President, Jim Petruska, for his years of stellar service and leadership to our club. During my seven-year membership, we have seen a gradual increase in participation and membership growth. Jim navigated a route for Lincoln Trail that I will be sure to follow.
Your Board started the year in first gear, holding an organizational meeting right before our Mix and Mingle January 7th. As a reminder, all are invited to attend Board meetings which are held in locations throughout our region, like our Mix and Mingles. (Please don't hesitate to contact a Board Member if you are willing to host a Mix and Mingle.) Tentatively for 2017, we have scheduled Mix and Mingles for March, May, July, September, and November. Once the locations have been confirmed, members will be notified.
In 2016, members consistently stated they liked the "save the date" cards; we are planning to bring them back this year. We also discussed having more "Tech Sessions" to learn more about the Porsches we own--and the ones we dream about driving. Recently, rallies, cookouts, and other ideas were discussed and tentatively planned for select cities......So stay tuned.
In addition to our ability to use the PCA Mailer to pass along information to the membership, thanks to Jim Roal, we now have a blog The blog is in its infancy, but as we venture forth, more territory will be explored.
My philosophy is, Lincoln Trail is our club. As my grandfather would say, the road you choose to take can be as wide as all outside. Members make us move. As of January 31, 2017, we have 243 total members in our region; 150 primary and 93 co-members. As we shift into second and third, together we can easily grow our roster and leave a legacy of fast-wheeling fun.
See you in the passing lane.
Marcus L.
Thanks Marcus for adding your column here. Members can always see our official calendar on the homepage. If you click the "+ Google Calendar" icon at the bottom right of the calendar view, all the LTR events will now be seen in your Google calendar. If you have the app on your mobile devices, all the LTR events will now show up there. Other calendar apps may also sync with Google calendar.